Wednesday, November 17, 2010


It's time.
The rebirth.
I got a job and quit this one. Now I'm going to try to do both.
It rained today. It rained so hard I wished for snow. I wished for anything else that wouldn't fill my fragile boots with soggy, squishy water-logged socks. I realized how much harder it is to drive in rain than snow. You can't see anything. And the inside of your car gets really foggy. And puddles make you lose control. So why is it that Portlanders are so fucking stupid when they try to drive in snow? The whole city shuts down. Sure, the snow plows aren't prepared and there just aren't enough of them. But on the other hand, you can't see a damn thing when you drive in rain and you all seem to do just fine with that. Also, my lights were off. Oops.

Sigh. I miss Bend.

As my most recent job endeavor comes to a close, I'm back to thinking about what I want to do with my life. Currently, my main criteria is something that I can sleep in for. Oh lord, please don't make me ever have to wake up at 6am for a job. 10-4. Now that's a schedule I could wrap my arms around...


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