Monday, January 17, 2011

Black Cadillacs

It's true that we named our children after towns that we'd never been to.

I can't wait to name my children someday. Until then, I'm going to keep on traveling. I leave tomorrow for Israel. I will also spend a weekend in Istanbul with a dear friend where I will see culture and religion and beauty and history. I will listen to new music I put on my iPod. I will write things in my journal every day. I will take photos so beautiful they simply must be blown up and framed. I will buy art, no matter the cost and inconvenience of traveling with it. I will forget about this last week of awkward dates and disappointing nights. I will miss my friends but love them more when I come home.

I will come home and find a man--not a boy--to love. I will come home and write more in my blog and on the typewriter I will buy. I will come home and buy a violin bow and learn to play. I will come home and have craft nights with friends who want to be creative. I will come home and run run run. I will come home refreshed and inspired and ready. Mostly, I will come home.

And we were done, done, done
With all the fuck, fuck, fuckin' around.
Circlin' round.


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