Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sweet, sweet chasm of interweb glory

Here is another blog. It's not pretty and I'm not quite sure what to do with it yet. But I decided it was time I adopt yet another online habit to ensure I fall deeper and deeper into the abyss of internet gratification (go outside damn it!) In part, I'm doing it for professional reasons. In part, because of boredom. But whatever the reason, it is done. I can, however, say with great pride that I still do not have a Twitter account... although that satisfaction may be fleeting as this too is something my "profession" demands I understand from experience.

Let me first discuss the name of my blog. For fear that you might think I'm pretentious for picking fancy words (my cousin did until she understood the name), I'm going to give you the ol' one-two.

1. Ennui is pronounced "on we" and therefore, it rhymes with debris. Things that rhyme in non-obvious ways win.

2. Ennui is defined as: a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement. Debris is, of course, fragments or loose material. Jobless --> bored --> random things happen --> write them on blog --> people think I'm cool --> I rule.

But this isn't just about my life. At 25, I'm watching those around me struggle with the same things I do: trying to find a good job, trying to make money in the meantime, trying to still "party" but waking up with much more horrifying hangovers, trying to live on a budget, trying to ignore the fact that people are rapidly making their way down the aisle and to the home birthing tub, trying like hell to find a way to enjoy our twenties before they are gone...

My life is not inherently interesting. But all of us put together.... now that's a story I can buy! And you better believe if you tell me a funny story it's going to end up here. Because, well, what better way to fight the ennui?

And to finish: a baby making a cat really mad....


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