Sunday, June 27, 2010

Meaning of Liff

Why do I hate change so much? I'm moving out this week and the same old feelings of anxiety have returned. I'm happy in my life. I love my friends and I really like Portland. There is no reason I shouldn't be excited about a new opportunity to live in a new part of the city at a great new house. But I find myself dreaming up ways to stay here a bit longer. I've been in this house for nearly a year a half. That's the longest I've lived anywhere besides my parents' house. It's been good to me and so have Matt and Emily. I'll miss my big room and my big closet and this horrifying green carpet. I'll miss the neighborhood cats and the great places I can walk to and the sound of my roommates waking me up every morning making breakfast right outside my door. Oh wait, that part I can't wait to leave behind.

Kelsey hates change. Everyone knows it. It's good for me. I know that. Onward I move.

There's a boy. Said boy took me on a scooter ride a few posts back. More importantly, he told me about this book, The Meaning of Liff, written by the same dude who wrote The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. This book makes me want to be a writer. If only I could think of such an awesome concept. He and the other author basically took all these undefined concepts and gave them names, which are all actually the names of random places across the globe.

Boy told me about this book because one of the word Abilene (a city both in Texas and Kansas) defined as: (adj.) Descriptive of the pleasing coolness on the reverse side of the pillow. This abilene is something I knew not of until recently. But now, one of my favorite parts of sleepovers with boy is the moment where we flip the pillow and relax in its coolness for the mere 20 seconds it lasts. It's pure, simple joy.

I haven't read the book, but I intend to buy it immediately. In the meantime, I looked up some of the other great "unnameable definitions" and these are a few examples for your reading pleasure:

BAUGHURST : (n.) That kind of large fierce ugly woman who owns a small fierce ugly dog. (I know that bitch!)
BEAULIEU HILL : (n.) The optimum vantage point from which one to view people undressing in the bedroom across the street. (I make it quite easy for my neighbors...)
FARNHAM : (n.) The feeling you get about four o'clock in the afternoon when you haven't got enough done (this feeling meets me nearly every day)
FOINDLE : (vb.) To queue-jump very discreetly by working one's way up the line without being spotted doing so (if I weren't such a pussy...)
MARLOW : (n.) The bottom drawer in the kitchen your mother keeps her paper bags in (that damn drawer overfloweth)
SCONSER : (n.) A person who looks around when talking to you, to see if there's anyone more interesting about (nothing worse than a jerk like that)
LIFF : (n.) A book, the contents of which are totally belied by its cover. For instance, any book the dust jacket of which bears the words. 'This book will change your life'.